Long Phuoc Hamlet, My Phuoc Tay Commune, Cai Lay District, Tien Giang Province, Viet Nam Country.

Contract: Mr Duy 0907789928 (Zalo) – 0966387799

Đã được Phòng Quản lý đô thị thị xã Cai Lậy kiểm tra hoàn công công trình xây dựng tại Công văn số 771/CV-QLĐT ngày 17/10/2022

Completed construction inspection by the Urban Management Department of Cai Lậy Dictrict by Dispatch No. 771/CV-QLDT date 17/10/202.

Fire prevention an fighting approval certificate No. 1875/TD-PCCC date 25/03/2022 of The Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Department – Provincial Police of Tien Giang Province.

1. Area 14.033,10 m2;

2. Place: Long Phuoc Hamlet, My Phuoc Tay Commune, Cai Lay District, Tien Giang Province, Viet Nam Country.

3. Regional Basic Salary: III 3.640.000 VNĐ = 146,42 USD. 17.500 VNĐ/h = 0,704 USD/h

4. Price for rent:

Foreigner visit Factory in CaiLay District